Young Researcher's Workshop on Positivity in Lie Groups

The proceedings of the workshop have been edited and are available here.


The aim of this workshop was to understand the notion of total positivity and Theta-positivity and how it relates to Higher Teichmüller theory. Theta-positivity is a notion of positivity in semisimple Lie groups and was recently introduced by Guichard and Wienhard in Positivity and higher Teichmüller theory as a generalization of Lusztig’s total positivity.

The workshop was aimed at graduate students that are interested in the topic. Every participant played an active role in the seminar - either by preparing a talk, or by organizing an exercise session to consolidate what has been learned.

Download the abstract for the workshop as pdf, or a more detailed outline of the topics that are going to be covered.


The workshop took place from January 10th to 14th, 2022 at the IWH Heidelberg.


The list of participants includes: Lisa Ricci, Arnaud Maret, Marta Magnani, Sofia Amontova, Enrico Trebeschi, Thomas Le Fils, Victor Jaeck, Luca De Rosa, Suzanne Schlich, Jacques Audibert, Daniel Soskin, Alex Moriani, Colin Davalo, Max Riestenberg, Nguyen Thi Dang, Yohann Bouilly, Raphael Appenzeller, Francesco Fournier Facio, Samuel Bronstein, Xian Dai, Ilia Smilga, Jingyi Xue, Romeo Troubat, Clarence Kineider, Fernando Cadena Camacho, Merik Niemeyer, Valdo Tatitscheff, Balthazar Fléchelles, Pierre-Louis Blayac, Dani Kaufman, Xenia Flamm.

The main organizers of the workshop were Xenia Flamm and Arnaud Maret. Both are very thankful to Mareike Pfeil for all the work she initially put in to organize the workshop!

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the STRUCTURES - Cluster of Excellence Young Researcher’s Convent. We thank the IWH Heidelberg for providing its rooms.